Friday, August 10, 2007

Log #23: Back in Boston

Ahhh... life finally returns to normal... somewhat. I'm back in town, and it's time to get serious about the training. I just finished up a nice rowing machine workout which made me realize that I'm very glad I didn't try to row crew in college. It's HARD!!

I did my pyramid workout that I like so much... it goes like this:

5 minutes warmup
1 minute hard rowing
1 minute easy
2 minutes hard
1 minute easy
3 minutes hard
1 minute easy
4 minutes hard
1 minute easy
3 hard
1 easy
2 hard
1 easy
1 hard
1 easy
5 minutes cooldown

It's much harder than it sounds. Rowing uses muscles that, as runners, we don't even have names for. Tomorrow I'll be packing my apartment up for my move in a couple of weeks, and then Sunday I'll attempt, once more, to run 13 miles. If I can get at least 10 miles in then I'll feel good. I only have one more week before training officially starts, so I'm very anxious to put myself in as good a position as possible to complete the whole training regimen.

My brother gets back tonight, so maybe I'll drag him along on Sunday to see how he does. Vegas isn't that far away.

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